Recipe Cucumber-Lime Iced Green Tea Mocktail
/ General, Recipe for Success / Blog
• 1/2 English Cucumber Sliced
• .75 oz Lime Juice
• 1 oz Sugar (1.75 oz Simple Syrup)
• 32 oz Fresh Brewed Green Iced Tea

Recipe for Cold Weather Warmth - Chai Cider
/ General, Recipe for Success / Blog
INSTRUCTIONS - Follow this recipe to make 1 - 8 oz serving
- To 1/2 cup boiling water, add 1 Black Chai Tea Bag
- Steep for 5 minutes, discard tea bag
- Add 1/2 cup hot apple juice
For 56 oz (7 Servings)

Recipe - Peach Tea Smash
/ General, Recipe for Success / Blog
Follow this recipe to make 1 - 6.5 oz serving.
• 1/4 C peeled fresh peach chunks
• 1 oz fresh lemon juice
• 4 oz Southern Breeze Black Iced Tea (sweetened or add 1/2 oz simple syrup to straight iced tea)
• 1-1/4 oz sparkling water, mint sprig (for garnish)
In a glass, muddle peach chunks with lemon juice. Add the tea and sparkling water. Top with crushed ice and shake well. Strain into tall glass filled with fresh, filtered ice. Garnish and enjoy!

Ready Sweet™ Flavor Paks from Southern Breeze
/ Foodservice Operators / News, Products, Blog
Did you know that 79.6% of U.S. foodservice operators menu iced tea or specialty iced tea? (Source: Technomics) So it stands to reason that offering a variety of flavored iced teas to customers can help enhance menus and build even more profits.

Tea Travels – Argentina
/ Tea Sourcing, Tea Travels / Blog
Argentina has a strong tea culture and a healthy tea export business. While only a relatively small portion of the country is suitable for growing tea, it’s one of the most important producers of tea in the world. Argentina spans a large latitude and contains climate regions from subpolar in the south to subtropical in the north. Most of the tea is grown in the northeastern part of the country in Misiones and Corrientes. Both of these regions have a warm subtropical climate with heavy rainfall which is perfect for growing tea.

RECIPE FOR SUCCESS - Summer Sweetness – Blackberry Iced Tea
/ Tea Expertise, Recipe for Success / Blog
Summer Sweetness – Blackberry Iced Tea Recipe
Follow this recipe to make 60 oz. or 7 cups.

Tea Trends: The Next Generation – Encouraging Consumption
/ Tea Expertise, Tea Talk, Tea Trends / Blog, News
The UKTEA & Infusions Association shared some recent data that indicated 18-34 year-olds in the UK don’t find tea as interesting as other beverages. While tea (largely black) still maintains popularity in the UK market, consumption has declined – largely the result of an influx of other hot and cold beverage choices. The organization’s position – tea needs a new image, that provides this younger audience with an emotional connection and celebrates the wide range of choices and tastes available.

Tea Travels - Vietnam
/ Tea Travels, Tea Sourcing / Blog
Vietnam is a medium size producer of tea but a large exporter in the global context. Tea is grown both in the sub-tropical North and the tropical South and produces Black, Green and Oolong teas.

RECIPE FOR SUCCESS - Raspberry Tea Garden Mocktail
/ Recipe for Success, Tea Talk, Tea Expertise / Blog
• 4 oz Raspberry Iced Tea
• 0.75 oz Lemon Juice
• 0.5 oz Simple Syrup
• 4 Raspberries
• 2 - 4 Basil Leaves

Tea Travels – India
/ Tea Travels, Tea Sourcing / Blog
One of the largest tea producers in the world, Indian tea is made from two varieties – Camellia sinensis var sinensis and Camellia sinensis var assamica. Native to Assam, Camellia sinensis var assamica is most often used for producing full-bodied and strong black tea.
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Through experience, relationships and innovation, Harris Tea Foodservice delivers a better and more profitable foodservice beverage experience. Our customers count on us to provide delicious, high-quality tea products consistently and reliably. Contact us to learn more about our tea brands.